A Tale of Two Wisterias-June 29, 2020

I shall begin with the Tale of Woe!
Many years ago we had a mini love affair with Wisteria. We acquired one, purchased an obelisk, on which we envisioned it climbing, and just generally prepared for it.
One it was in place we anxiously waited until the next year for our first bloom.
No joy in the first year but we were in for the long haul we told ourselves.
The years passed and at some point we read in an English gardening magazine that some plants will never bloom and were cautioned to purchase only specimens which have the lovely mauve panicles existing already. OOOOP's---too late for us it would seem! Our lovely specimen grew verdantly and securely twined about our obelisk. We would sigh as we passed by and say "Too bad it does not bloom but it is beautiful in it's own way!!! The years passed and the main stalk acquired a fairly prodigious girth and looked like an interesting piece of garden sculpture to us!
This year, winter passed and we looked, as we always do, for the first green shoots to emerge. We waited and then waited some more. We looked at each other and said reassuring things like, " Oh it is just late this year. It has been a mixed up Spring".
And here is where the Tale of Hope begins---It turned out that there were to be no green shoots this year. As we toured our neighborhood we noticed that the were other evidences of wisteria that had not survived the winter and we bowed to the inevitable. After living with the empty space for a while it was decided to try again. This time we were on the hunt for a specimen that came with blooms!! One of our favourite garden centres provided the perfect plant with 3 blooms and yesterday it was settled into it's new home!

There it resides, beside the stalk of the older plant and as time goes by I am sure that it will come to lean on it's predecessor as our new plant reaches for the sky!
That seem a lot like life when you think about it!