I do love the smell of sheets fresh from the line ...
For the last few years it has been my habit to take advantage of the first warm day to hang out my wash. While I am not a stalwart who braves the winter winds to save on the hydro, I do love the smell of sheets fresh from the line. Usually when I am hanging out the first load of the season the ground is a carpet of Scilla. Not so in this picture. The Scilla are long over, the Tulips and Daffs also, even the Giant Allium have faded. Warm June sunshine abounds and the bed will smell delish this evening. Just wish I had gotten around to it earlier in the season.

The thing is, it has been a crazy busy spring. For some reason all of the garden chores have taken longer. Could it be my aging body? Methinks so! I have even had the help of the wonderful team of Don and Donna Spencer from Dragonfly Garden Care. They have been amazing. Between us we have filled 36 brown bags full of garden waste and even as I write this the bags wait by the side of the highway for the collectors to come and take them away. I just love this service offered by the town.

Life has kept me so busy that I missed taking pictures of the Redbud and Magnolia which were absolutely spectacular. They are just a memory now. The culprit for part of my busy-ness has been the fact that I signed up for Throwing boot camp with Monica Johnson at Frantic Farms Clay and Glass in Warkworth. Monica has set our goals high for production potting and I have learned so much. There has been HOMEWORK for me and I have been diligent. There will soon be photos.
Thanks for tuning in!