If you are a follower of my little blogette you will know that I have been struggling with transmitting the scans from my new printer to the folks at the 52 Week Illustration Challenge. It has been a very slow process. It seems that the file I am sending are too large and this morning I have been playing around with different ideas. Just noodling around technologically speaking! It seems as if I have success at last buuuuuut-I HAVE NO IDEA OF THE SEQUENCES THAT I USED!!!! LOL. If I can recreate it I will soon have more work to submit. For a variety of reasons, technology included, I have not been able to post since June. If I can recreate the technological path to success I will soon have more posts, if not I will keep on keeping on! I do so want to catch up if I am able. Oh yes, the painting above is entitled Week 40 Rope-Water colour
SO with that mysterious computer outcome under my belt I was encouraged to try again! Et Voila! Success once more. I realize of course that really my skills with the computer have had nothing to do with the outcome. My Dad used to say “It’s all in the way you hold your mouth” and I think perhaps in this case he was absolutely right. So here with out further ado—

Week 46-Pencil
Water colour-Pencil Symphony
Just a story fragment really. I really love working with my mechanical pencils-They never get dull!!!
When I spoke to them about this challenge they suggested that they invite their friends, the paintbrushes, to go on an adventure together. This is the result.
When we all got together to discuss the results we noticed that the paintbrushes did not like staying within the lines and did their best work when allowed to move freely about. The pencils on the other hand felt much more comfortable with much more structure. We all decided that it seemed like a symphony where everyone has a part to play to make a wonderful whole. We all applauded the concept of different but equal!
So it seems as if technologically I may be back on track. I have tons of ideas rolling around in my head but time is running out to complete the Challenge before the end of the year. I will see how it goes. Stay tuned!