For several years now I have been looking to find the wherewithal to furnish our funky little tree house. You should know that this activity comes with a self-imposed rule. That is whatever is to go up there has to be found material-preferably found along the side of the road.
I feel deeply the loss of the VW station wagon which was a trooper when it came to accommodating those kinds of finds. Commodious as she is, my little blue bombshell definitely is not up to carrying items of size.
About a month ago whilst meeting some friends for lunch in Frankford, Ontario, I chanced upon a huge old-fashioned lawn chair. Its former owner was outside and offered to help me try to load up the chair. To my great surprise, we were successful. So, Cherry and I went off to her new home.
This weekend a visiting wag pronounced our ancient maple tree to be "the Chair-y Tree" and so the chair has acquired a new home and a new name---In case you wish to write her she can be reached at the following address!
Cherry O'Chair
#1 Chair-y Tree Gardens
Colborne, Ontario K0K 1S0
